Comparing angular vs. backbone vs. ember vs. react

Backbone trumps ultimate flexibility over developer convenience. But I think that it has traded too much, as it seriously lacks features and developer productivity. Yes, there are lots of plug-ins to compensate for this, but then you will be learning Backbone and something else on top.

It delivers the HTML and CSS page in the app, followed by the Javascript loading. Use of FastBook makes apps compatible with search engines and mobile users, and also supports browsers with disabled Javascript. Performance has been a major goal in the design of Ember.js. Ember’s larger library size partly explains why it’s the largest download of the three Javascript frameworks, but another reason is because Ember comes with a lot of built-in support for standard code features. If you’ve ever tried to click the “back” button on a website only to get no response, you know all about what happens when JavaScript applications break. Ember’s support features are there to keep small but annoying errors like those from happening.

  • After engineering with SproutCore, writing an app with Backbone, and writing small amounts of Ember , I’ve got some sense of the issues that you will run into when developing a moderately complex app.
  • A router handles calling to components and presenting the information based on user requests like in the case of Instagram feed.
  • Ember seems to have come clean in many ways, presenting a more consistent template data binding solution via Handlebars, and being a lot less monolithic SproutCore once was.
  • Subjective comparisons, business perspective, and beneficial aspects of comparison between frameworks React vs Ember.

They work on prompt and accuracy of error notifications, creating components based -on the app behavior, API construction, and more. The component-based architecture of React maintains the application code structure. You can focus more on UI aspects, create custom hooks, and reuse stateful logic. Still, probably because the framework generally deals with building large and enterprise-grade apps, its popularity among developers hasn’t reached the titanic proportions unlike React js.


These top front-end frameworks and libraries have made your complex web tasks more flexible and efficient. “Javascript structure”, “Models” and “Simple” are the key factors why developers consider Backbone.js; whereas “Elegant”, “Quick to Top Blockchain Companies in the UK 2022 develop” and “Great mvc” are the primary reasons why Ember.js is favored. Backbone can also be very tempting because of its big community and the ecosystem, but this advantage will disappear as the other frameworks become more popular.

Ember has never used eval for templates, they are compiled at build-time, and the compiled output is safe-only DOM mutations. Handle untrusted data with care — use contextual encoding and avoid building code from strings. JQuery is the basis for how both these libraries interact with the DOM, and so DOM Which Programming Language Should You Learn Next based injections are affected by the security of jQuery code. All three libraries provide a router for changing the view and none of them provide functions for authenticating or authorizing. With all three frameworks it is necessary to perform authentication and authorization checks on the server.

ember vs backbone

From the software-development perspective, React is a library that supports both SPA and server-side rendering architecture(external architecture such as Redux, Flux, and SSR frameworks like Next.js). So it does have the building blocks to construct complex applications. Ember rebrands itself as component-service architecture in the latest version, the previous version followed MVC pattern. It helps developers build ambitious applications with more native features. These native experiences make web apps unique, and it’ is fascinating that Ember supports the URL feature along with the native concepts of graphical user interface frameworks. It’s a model-view-view-model based on Javascript web framework.

Though some developers might find this guidance annoying, it pays off in catching little coding errors before they have a chance to become big ones. In our review angular got 1,712,878 points, backbone got 1,699,617 points, ember got 5,342 points and react got 51,312,090 points. The points are a summary of how big the community is and how well the package is maintained.

How good is the learning curve of React js for developers?

Things such as memory management have to be carefully considered. The lack of view lifecycle management makes route/state changes prone to memory leaks unless you take care of cleaning up everything yourself. Backbone, on the other hand, leaves it up to you to use the template engine of your choice.

ember vs backbone

Take a look at the Ember Data Changelog, and you will see what I mean. There are so many breaking changes, and those cause many StackOverflow answers and coding tutorials to become irrelevant . Being so small and basic, Backbone can be a good foundation to build your own framework upon. Some examples of 3rd party frameworks based on Backbone are Aura, Backbone UI, Chaplin, Geppetto, Marionette, LayoutManager, Thorax, Vertebrae.

The cComposition of components in React is defined in such a way that minor changes don’t disturb the entire codebase, interoperability, or other important features. Ember js is popular among tech companies and software developers for its robust foundation and stable community. With over 20k Github stars and Stack Overflow questions, the framework has secured its place as a platform with a growing community.

You can find dozens of tutorials about Backbone, a very active community on StackOverflow and IRC. Because it is full of strong conventions it does a lot of stuff automagically for you. All you need to do is learn and apply those conventions and Ember will to the right thing. Ember and Angular are still flexible frameworks to some degree but you will find that you could end up fighting the framework if you don’t like the way it does certain things. There are some things that you just need to buy into when using Ember or Angular.

Uber Technologies, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are some of the popular companies that use Backbone.js, whereas Ember.js is used by Square, Groupon, and Fitbit. Backbone.js has a broader approval, being mentioned in 1066 company stacks & 217 developers stacks; compared to Ember.js, which is listed in 293 company stacks and 76 developer stacks. While you may be excited about choosing the best frontend framework, the choice between Ember and React is not tough. And if anything is tough, it’s deciding the type of application you’d need considering the choice of users and their experience with the app.

React js’s ability to give the best User-experience

There are tasks that are common to every web app; It does those things for you, so you can focus on building killer features and UI. However, from what I have seen and read CanJS seems to have the edge when it comes to performance, specially in rendering view bindings. On the other hand I believe that Angular is the less performant based on the fact that it does dirty checking of objects. The framework aligns the design and development principles for streamlined UX. This includes being careful as to not bloat the apps with useless code known as common abstraction.

Backbone doesn’t have any concept of an Expression Sandbox because it is much simpler in scope. It’s up to the application developers using Backbone to take care of JavaScript expressions that get placed inside templates. Client side JavaScript security is becoming more and more of an issue with the shift to Single Page Applications WordPress Developer Resources Official WordPress Developer Resources or SPAs in modern web development. There are many different libraries and frameworks to pick from when you set out to build your own SPA. Reacthas more versions, more frequent updates, more daily downloads, more weekly downloads, more monthly downloads, more stars on Github, more followers on Github and more forks.

Ember’s library size and support network are its two greatest strengths, but if you’re only trying to create a small widget or single-page app, it might be overkill for you. If you’re working on a multipage, navigational, long-term project, Ember might be your pick. If you’re having trouble, however, Backbone has an especially active community rife with free tutorials for getting started with the framework.

Right from the inception of the development, Ember strives to make the apps bug free. It brings in many testing frameworks like QUnit, QUnit DOM, and Mocha. These frameworks are built to guarantee the functioning of apps as intended allowing you to steer clear of manual testing. Other options for server-side rendering of React applications include Nuxt.js, Gatsby, Razzle. If you want to build apps with frequent changes in data and interactive UI and want it to be search engine friendly, consider using Next.js with React.

Developer Tools, Extensions, Libraries– Ember vs React

They need to be properly cleaned up by hand, otherwise you end up with zombie views bound to events, or events that don’t fire at all. I don’t think that Ember should be toting choice of template as a big benefit. Like any application framework, Ember is a contract between developer and framework author. You write in our style and we’ll give you powerful features.

Less dependencies means less extra scripts to include, usually resulting in less development overhead and faster load times. This makes for easier data transfer between the app and REST Services or the LocalStorage. It also reduces complexity from getter and setter functions.

It provides data-reactive components with a simple and flexible API. You can use the mini-templates in underscore for rendering views, but most of the time you will want to use a nicer template engine like Mustache. Backbone requires you to write a lot of boilerplate code, which I think is totally unnecessary. This is in my opinion a direct threat against developer productivity. It can do some amazing things – like two-way bindings – without having to learn much.

It builds performant user interfaces – an out-of-the-box tool to create the presentation layer of mobile and single-page applications. Contrary to popular opinion Ember.js isn’t a ‘more heavy weight approach’ to Backbone.js. They’re different kinds of tools that target totally different end products.

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